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Navigating Image Updates in Open Data Hub Notebooks: A User-Centric Approach

In this post, we will explore the practical aspects of Open Data Hub (ODH), an open source project reshaping the landscape of AI and Machine Learning (ML) workloads on the OpenShift Container Platform. At the core of this project, lies a collection of pre-built, industry-optimized notebook images within the Open Data Hub, seamlessly integrated with the ODH Notebook Controller. These notebooks...

Computing Pairwise Text Similarities

There are different sectors where text similarity is used, for example on Search Engines, in Customer Service, or Legal Matters (by linking related documents). Consider the following 2 sentences:Dear Ms. John Doe, can you confirm your purchase of a plane ticket to Hong Kong?Ms. A approved purchase of a plane ticket to Hong Kong. A human could easily determine that these 2 sentences convey a very...

How to deploy your Plotly/Dash dashboard using Docker

As we have already said in an older article the plotly/dash library is awesome. In this article, we are going to present the way how you can share your dashboard application with other people. By default, Dash apps run on localhost – you can only access them on your own machine. To share a Dash app, you need to “deploy” it to a server. If you don’t have your own server there are...

Plotly: conditional area highlight

Plotly is an amazing interactive and open source library for data analysis that supports over 40 unique chart types covering a wide range of statistical, financial, geographic, scientific, and 3-dimensional use-cases. In this article, we are going to present how we can color specific areas on the graph according to the field’s value inside our data frame. The result will be as the below...

Dynamic Database Creation Using Apache Kafka Streaming Messages

The aim of this project is to ingest incoming Kafka streaming messages and store those dynamically into a database without the mandatory existence of predefined SQL Tables. Table of Contents General InfoTechnologiesGetting startedExamples of use General Info Data and logs that surround us need to be processed, reprocessed, analyzed, and handled. Often in real-time. That’s what makes the...

A Linux bash command line vocabulary

AadduserAdd a user to the systemaddgroupAdd a group to the systemaliasCreate an aliasaproposSearch Help manual pages (man -k)apt-getSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)aptitudeSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)aspellSpell CheckerawkFind and Replace text, database sort/validate/indexBbasenameStrip directory and suffix from filenamesbashGNU Bourne-Again...

How to restore corrupted excel files using python

In this post you can find how to recover corrupted .xls or .xlsx files, using Python. Corrupt in the sense we are able to view the file in excel, but not using Python. The following was the error that is displayed while opening the file using excel. And this is the error when you trying to open it through python: XLRDError: Unsupported format, or corrupt file: Expected BOF record; found...

Android bottom navigation menu example using activities

Android design supports library that provides a Bottom Navigation Bar where is an important widget in the Android application. Is a simpler way to look between 3 to 5 screens, if you have more than 5 screens is better to use slide navigation drawer. Mostly, used fragments in navigation view to load different screens based on the user selection the usage of Fragments with Navigation may lead to...

Swirlhole, how far can you go?

Swirlhole, is an arcade game for android distributions. We can categorize it also as an endless runner game. This type of games has the characteristic that the world building by own also the player must dodge obstacles as they automatically and continuously scroll onto the screen, with the simple goal of not crashing into anything for as long as possible. The main architectonic is simple we put...

How to make a ring using torus method in Unity 3D

In Unity3d you have a plenty of choices to make several objects but, in case that you need to make an object like a ring where you can get through its center it’s difficult with the prebuild already objects (Sphere, cube, capsule etc) you probably should swivel in torus technique, of course, there are some other tips for example circles with particle systems. In geometry, a torus is a...

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