Convert a char array of HEX to ASCII in C


This function solves the case when we have a message which is represented as sequence of bytes in hex format in a string and we want to convert it back.

void hex_to_string(uint8_t* msg, size_t msg_sz, uint8_t* hex, size_t hex_sz)
   memset(msg, '\0', msg_sz);
   if (hex_sz % 2 != 0 || hex_sz/2 >= msg_sz)

   for (int i = 0; i < hex_sz; i+=2)
      uint8_t msb = (hex[i+0] <= '9' ? hex[i+0] - '0' : (hex[i+0] & 0x5F) - 'A' + 10);
      uint8_t lsb = (hex[i+1] <= '9' ? hex[i+1] - '0' : (hex[i+1] & 0x5F) - 'A' + 10);
      msg[i / 2] = (msb << 4) | lsb;
uint8_t hex_representation[] = "48656c6c6f20746865726520446576636f6f6e7321";
uint8_t actual_message[22];

hex_to_string(actual_message, 22, hex_representation,  42);

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